Yo diría que es cierto que VB tiene estilo y soy de las primeras que admira su outfit diario (aunque hay veces que se le va un poco la pinza...). Sin embargo ha presentado una colección muy estilo working girl que refleja claramente sus gustos personales. Podemos ver como muchos de los modelos son claramente inspirados en ella misma y he de decir que no arriesga nada. Son diseños sencillos, lo que no es malo, siempre que no sean excesivemente sencillos, como es el caso. Colores planos, poco llamativos, cortes simples...todo muy plano. Lo que hace atractivo o no a un diseñador es su capacidad de innovar y arriesgar y en mi opinión VB ha arriesgado muy poco. Le ha quitado a la colección ese afán de espectáculo que tanto atrae la semana de la moda.
No obstante los diseños no son feos, para nada, pero tampoco dicen mucho.

The Victoria Beckham's desire on the fashion world is not a secret and now she has managed to present his own collection after having designed several lines and models of jeans and accessories.
I would say that it is true that VB has her own particular style and I'm the first one to admire her daily outfit (although there are times he goes like she's lost...). However, she has presented a very stylish, working-girl collection wich clearly reflects her personal taste. We can see how many of the models are clearly inspired by herself and I must say that she does not risk anything. They are simple designs, which is not bad, if they are not such as extreamly simple. Plain color, inconspicuous, simple cut ... it is all very flat. What makes a designer attractive or not is his ability to innovate and, in my opinion, the risk. VB has risked very little. She has taken out from the collection the show desire that makes the fashion week atractive.
Despite the designs are not ugly at all, they do not say much.