No se puede saber nunca si son amigas realmente o sólo es una pose para atraer a las cámaras. El hecho es que estuvieron muy juntitas las dos.
You can't never know if they are such a kind of friends or it's just a pose to atract the cameras. The fact is that they were so friendly.
You can't never know if they are such a kind of friends or it's just a pose to atract the cameras. The fact is that they were so friendly.

Siempre me gustó el mundo de las cheeleaders, no sé por qué, tal vez suene algo superficial, pero creo que me gustara la serie no solo porque muestra otros puntos de vista sobre el tema sino tambien porque me encanta Ashley Tisdale, así que .... a ver que tal...
Speaking of Ashley Tisdale I have found a new show to distract my arquitecture-focused life, HELLCATS, the new show where Ashley Tisdale and Alyson Michalka play profesional cheerleaders. I allways liked cheeleaders, I don't know why, maybe that can sound a bit superficial but I think I'd like the show because it shows some other facts about that topic. And I also like Ashley Tisdale a lot so....I'll see
Speaking of Ashley Tisdale I have found a new show to distract my arquitecture-focused life, HELLCATS, the new show where Ashley Tisdale and Alyson Michalka play profesional cheerleaders. I allways liked cheeleaders, I don't know why, maybe that can sound a bit superficial but I think I'd like the show because it shows some other facts about that topic. And I also like Ashley Tisdale a lot so....I'll see