Soy la colaboradora española y hoy he publicado el primer post. Me hizo muchisima ilusión que contasen conmigo junto con otros bloggers de todo el mundo.
El lanzamiento oficial de la página es en Febrero, pero ya esta funcionando.
Para ver el post:
I am a contributor on a new fashion web about news from all over the world. I'm so excited to participate in this amazing project. The site will be oficicially open on February but you can see the preview
More information about THE FASHION BREWERY:
The Fashion Brewery “TFB” is a mix of fashion news, celebrity fashion features, and fashion musings. TFB is much more than just another fashion blog. It is an organic blending of ideas. TFB also gives readers a peek into the word of fashion film and art. It also spotlights special posts by TFB Fashionista from around the world. Get the latest fashion tips and trends from models, beauty queens, fashion mavens, socialites and trendsetters from around the world. Fashion is never static and The Fashion Brewery strives to give you a fresh unadulterated view of fashion.