Hace unos días os conté que mis amigos me hicieron un fiesta sorpresa la semana pasada, pero no tenia fotos para enseñaros. 
Ya las he conseguido!
Me engañaron y se colaron en mi casa si que yo les viera con la ayuda de mi hermana y mi prima. Cuando fui al salón me pegue un susto tremendo! mi salón estaba invadido por catorce personas que se habían colado en mi casa sin yo darme cuenta. De eso van las fiestas sorpresa no? :)
Me hizo mucha ilusión! nunca había tenido una fiesta así. Trajeron pizzas y cenamos y luego salimos de fiesta todos a bailar y celebrar el fin de examenes.
A few days ago I told you that my friends made me a surprise party last week, but I had no pictures to show you.

I have already done it!
They get in my house when I was no paying attention with my sister and my cousin's help. When I went into the livingroom, I hit a terrible fright! it was invaded by fourteen people who had sneaked into my house without my noticing. Well that's what surprise partiesare, right? :)
I was thrilled! I had never had a party like this. They brought pizzas so we had dinner and then we went to dance and celebrate the end of exams.
I loved it, THANK YOU!