Me voy, me voy! mañana sale el avión a las tres de la tarde. Alemania, nunca he estado alli por varios dias, solo de pasada. A ver que tal! no podre actualizar hasta que vuelva, pero intentaré traer muchas, muchas fotos!
Voy a desengancharme temporalmente de The City... snif snif... que por cierto, no me entero de nada...¿Es un reality?¿una serie? raro...
Bueno, buen fin de semana a todos! pasadlo muy bien!
I'm leaving! tomorrow the fight takes off at 15.00pm so I'm going to Germany! I've never been there for so long, I just was there a day, so I'll see how is it going!
I wont post there so I'll see you on Tuesday guys, I'll try to bring lots of pictures.
I'll give up The City for some time...sniff sniff...btw I do not understand anything, is it a reality? a show? i dont know, its so weird...
So have fun this weekend! see you