Se ve claramente como El Diablo Viste de Prada es una película basada en esta revista, donde la jefa se muestra severa en el trabajo, poco sociable, y mas dulce con su familia. Donde aparecen caprichos, ordenes, miradas de desaprobación...
Pensé que al ser una especie de documental me acabaría aburriendo y que no seria capaz de meterme una hora y media del tirón...pero no! me engancho completamente! y me encanto. Reconozco que a quien no le apasione esto le aburriría, pero no es mi caso, y si no es el vuestro recomiendo que os la bajéis.
Por cierto. Noticia: el miércoles tengo cita con la CIBELES FASHION WEEK

I have in my possession The September Issue, the special documentary that shows the Anna Wintour's work as the director of VOGUE.
It is clearly seen that The Devil Wears Prada is a movie based on this magazine, where a severe and unsociable face is shown at work and a sweeter one with her family.
I thought that being a kind of documentary I would end up bored and I would not be able to spend hour and a half paying attention ... but no! it hooked me completely! and I loved it.
I recognize that this will bore you if you are passionate about that, but It's not my case, and if it isn't yours either I recommend you to download it. have fun!
Some news: I have an appointment on Wednesday with the CIBELES FASHION WEEK!!
Este es el editorias de la revista VOGUE por Mario Testino sobre Anna Wintour.