Tom Cruise proves himself even more creepy in his interview with GQ magazine. Some excerpts:
On sex: It's "about the connection. Great sex is a by-product, for me, of a great relationship, where you have communication and it's an extension of that. Where it's just...free. And that's how it should be. It's spectacular. If you're not in good communication with your partner, it sucks."
On Katie: "She's just cool. She's kind, she's smart, she's fun. She's a woman who's not afraid to be a woman. I taught her how to ride a dirt bike in an hour and a half. She'd never done it before. She got her scuba license - and the ids scuba dive so we all went down scuba diving in Mexico and swimming with the whales. Sometimes people freak out when they see the stuff I do. But it's lilke, 'Look, this is who I am,' and people who know me know I'm very safe about it. I'm not crazy..."
On finding out about the pregnancy: "Oh, I - I looked at her. And I went 'You're gonna tell me if you're pregnant, aren't you?' It was a moment where... It was one of those things. I just picked something up. And I knew at that moment she was pregnant. 'Cuz I notice things in people." And about the pregnancy test... "Yeah, she did the whole stick test; I think she just touched the box and they all turned blue."
On Katie's cravings: "She loves cupcakes, okay? I mean, the girl loves cupcakes."
On the much-discussed purchase of a sonogram machine: "I'm a filmmaker - I need to see the rushes! At first we did it a lot. I don't know how many times, but I did not exceed FDA regulations!"
On his debate with Matt Lauer: I thought I was pretty restrained. I've been pissed off about things, believe me. I thought it was a terrific interview. I wasn't pissed; I was just intense on wanting to communicate."
On his drug-free approach to detox: "I have to say, I've always found the 'if it makes me feel better, it's okay' rationale a little suspect. I think it's appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction when I have personally helped people get off drugs." (Cruise claims he can cure heroin addiction in three days.)